Shea butter eczema cream

Discover The Many Benefits of Shea Butter For Eczema

Is Shea butter good for eczema?

Shea butter is a truly transformational health and beauty product. It has the capacity to cure a wide range of skin conditions and maladies, including the troubling skin disease known as eczema. Eczema is a type of skin disease that falls under the broader category of dermatitis, which means irritation or inflammation of the surface layers of the skin.

Regular application of raw shea butter to the skin on all parts of the body will ensure that the skin remains healthy and radiant, or becomes newly robust and free from any pathologies or disfigurements. Individuals who begin to use shea butter on dry skin will quickly appreciate the fact that one of the most beneficial uses of shea butter, considered as a health product, is its ability to set in motion a dramatic cure for the extremely unpleasant skin condition known as eczema.

Shea butter is able to help cure eczema because this revolutionary natural substance contains crucial ingredients, including rich emollients, fatty acids such as cinnamic acid, anti-oxidants such as vitamin E, and anti-inflammatory agents such as vitamins A. These amazing chemical components of shea butter target the underlying pathological processes that create eczema, and they address and remediate the unpleasant and unsightly surface results of this skin disease.

Eczema is fundamentally a pathological skin condition involving skin irritation and inflammation. This condition means that the normal process of skin cell regeneration and growth is altered by the skin’s allergic reaction to environmental toxins, including soaps, detergents, and certain types of metal such as nickel.

The skin’s exposure to cold air or excessively dry air is also known to trigger the allergic reaction of eczema. These eczema triggers set in motion an excessive and abnormal defensive reaction within the skin. Essentially the skin undergoes an inflammatory response. This means that the skin cells go into high gear and begin to regenerate and reproduce at a pathologically rapid rate. This abnormal dynamic is what gives rise to the dreaded appearance of flaking, irritated, and blistered skin that seems to develop scaly and itchy patches of tough and shedding surface skin cells.

Because the skin sheds rapidly and constantly, it not only results in red, dry, and irritated skin; it also leads to the appearance of exposed areas of new skin, which are tender, sensitive, and easily inflamed. Eczema also results in extreme skin flakiness and dryness as the abnormally shed skin cells remain on the skin’s surface and appear to slowly peel off.

Does shea butter help eczema?

Those who suffer from eczema or parents that watch their babies suffering are often near despair. They should take the time to try and use some Shea butter as a lotion for their eczema. This is because regular application of Shea butter is able to immediately and effectively address and relieve some of the symptoms that characterize eczema. Within one week of daily use of Shea butter many usually start seeing and feeling some good results.

The symptoms of eczema, which include itching, flaking, peeling, and the appearance of irritated, blistered, and disfigured skin, will start to quickly disappear. Within a week, eczema will be cured and the skin will once again attain a smooth, radiant, and healthy quality. Continued use of a shea butter treatment will help make sure that eczema will not return.

Shea butter for eczema treatment – a guaranteed cure!

Daily application of shea butter to the skin is a guaranteed help clear eczema due to the nature of this problematic inflammatory skin condition, and due to shea butter’s unique anti-inflammatory capability. Because shea butter contains powerful anti-inflammatory agents, most especially vitamin A, it goes to the heart of the skin’s abnormal allergic response and stops the inflammatory process. This results in the cessation of abnormal skin cell growth, and a rapid diminution of the problematic redness and itching that characterizes eczema.

Shea butter’s complex mixture of essential fatty acids and emollients means also that shea butter can effectively moisturize the inflamed, dry, and scaly skin characteristic of those afflicted with eczema. Shea butter will completely moisturize the skin, eliminate dryness and flaking, and restore the smooth and healthy appearance of the skin.

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  1. What is the purpose of the tea tree oil and the white camphor? My 5 year
    old has very dry skin. Can this moisturizer be use on a child?

  2. wumi sadu says:

    i have made some of your sheabutter body butter and so far, its excellent,
    but i cant use it on my face as i brake out. Please give mesome tips on
    face products that i use. i have black acne on my chicks and my face is
    darker than my whole body. please help. Thanks

  3. Thank you for your tips. I want to make this for my daughter eczema and I
    wanted to know if this cream would reduce the itching. My daughter is
    1years old and I feel so sorry for her when she gets irritated by the
    itching. Thank you 

  4. Hi, if i do not add in one or both the essential oils, is it ok?

  5. Zara Mckourt says:

    I used this shea butter baby body butter to clear my skin and babies skin
    from eczema it really soothed the itching and dryness
    It’s made by Anaqah and is 100% natural and really convenient when you have
    just had a baby I use it on her nappy rash, hair, eczema and entire body.
    They have some on ebay and I think amazon. Big thumbs up 

  6. Lizz Overcash says:

    I have really bad eczema I mean really bad. so I’ll have to try this!

  7. Would love to make this for my daughter. She has severe eczema especially
    on her face. Where do you suggest to buy the tubs of shea butter?

  8. Sonia Guzman says:

    That looked great! This doesn’t need preservative though? 

  9. Rayne Rosario says:

    I am trying this for my three year old she is starting school in Aug and
    nothing has worked. We wanna get this under control before then. 

  10. Lillian C. Zeigler says:

    I’ve tried to solution my eczema for a long time, and finally found a
    method. It helped me, my pals & you, too. Inform me if you want to know.

  11. Victoria Shawn says:

    Hello, you have been so helpful and a special thanks for you taking your
    time on how it is made….and we pay so much for the awful chemical stuff
    in the stores. Have you heard of Jasmine Oil? Got some lotion from India
    that has Jasmine Oil in it and it helped so much but most all lotions have
    glycerin in them which I have just learned is really bad for dry skin
    problems like dermatitis, which I have, and for those who have eczema.
    Would it be OK to leave out the glycerin and is there a difference in the
    shea butter that has a slight yellow color to it verses the white shea
    butter? Thanks again

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